April 14, 2022

Project Blanket - Square #104 Color Feather and Fan Stitch

Pattern Instructions
Multiples of 18 + 2

Row 1 (RS): Using A, knit
Row 2: Using A, purl
Row 3: Using A, k1, *[k2tog] 3 times, [yo, k1] 6 times, [k2tog] 3 times; rep from * to last st, k1
Row 4: Using A, knit

Repeat these 4 rows using color B 

Row 1 (RS): Using B, knit
Row 2: Using B, purl
Row 3: Using B, k1, *[k2tog] 3 times, [yo, k1] 6 times, [k2tog] 3 times; rep from * to last st, k1
Row 4: Using B, knit

Repeat alternate rows until desired length. 

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