October 1, 2022

Project Blanket - Square #274 Two Color Stitch Entrelac Square

Pattern Instructions
BASE TRIANGLE Row 1 (WS) P2, turn.
Row 2 K2, turn.
Row 3 P3, turn.
Row 4 K3, turn.
Continue working 1 more st every other row, until last WS row p15 has been worked. Turn. Cut A

Next row (RS) Attach B, k2, turn.
Next row P2, turn.
Increase row (RS) Kfb, ssk (with last st of RH Triangle and next st of Base-Triangle), turn.
Next row P3, turn.
Inc row Kfb, k1, ssk, turn.
Next row P4, turn.
Inc row Kfb, k2, ssk, turn.
Next row P5.
Continue in this way, inc 1 st in first st and ssk over last st on RS, and purl back on WS, until last inc. row Kfb, k12, ssk has been worked. There are 15 sts on LH needle. Do not turn.

Next row (RS) With RS facing and B, pick up and k 15 sts along edge of first triangle. Turn.
Next row (WS) P2tog, p13, turn. Next row K14, turn.
Next row P2tog, p12, turn.
Next row K13, turn.
Continue in this way until last RS row K2, turn has been worked. Cut B.
Next row (WS) Attach A, p2tog - 1 st remains on RH needle. Do not turn.

Next row (WS) With A, pick up and p 14 sts along edge of triangle just worked, turn.
Next row (RS) K15, turn.
Next row P2tog, p12, p2tog (with last st of End Triangle and next st of LH Triangle), turn.
Next row K14, turn.
Next row P2tog, p11, p2tog. turn.
Next row K13,turn.
Next row P2tog, p10, p2tog, turn.
Next row K12, turn.
Continue in this way until last WS row P2tog, p2tog has been worked. Pass first stitch over 2nd stitch. Fasten off last stitch.

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